Executive Director
Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy
We partnered with Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy on the search for an Executive Director. Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy is a nonprofit land conservation organization that was founded by a group of passionate citizens who wanted to protect southwest Michigan’s wild and scenic places for the benefit of wildlife and future generations of people.
The search resulted in the appointment of Michael Larson to the role.
Larson has earned a reputation as a community-focused strategist, convener, and collaborative leader. He has more than two decades of executive management experience to SWMLC, having served a catalytic role in promoting the growth and success of mission-driven organizations.
Most recently, Larson held the role of President & Chief Executive Officer of the Michigan Association of United Ways (MAUW), where he led the organization since 2017. During his tenure, Larson provided leadership and capacity-building for all Michigan United Ways.
Prior to leading MAUW, Larson served as the leader of various Michigan United Ways. Notably, he led the merger of the United Ways of Greater Battle Creek and Kalamazoo into a single organization, providing the vision and leadership for the newly formed organization.
As an avid outdoorsman and resident of Southwest Michigan for over two decades, Larson is deeply committed to the region and to the mission of the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy.
Larson holds a BA from Anderson University.