Member, Board of Directors
About the National AIDS Memorial
The vision of the National AIDS Memorial is that never again will a community be harmed because of fear, silence, discrimination, or stigma. Imparting the history and lessons of AIDS is at the core of its work, and through its iconic AIDS memorials and inspiring programs, seeks to ensure that the story of AIDS and the AIDS Movement is known by current and future generations; that they stay engaged in the fight against HIV; be inspired to advance health, racial, and social justice efforts; and embrace diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. The National AIDS Memorial is the steward of our nations’ two most notable AIDS memorials: The 10-acre National AIDS Memorial Grove (“the Grove”) and the 54-ton AIDS Memorial Quilt (“the Quilt”), both created and located in San Francisco.
The Opportunity
The National AIDS Memorial is looking to add two new members to its Board of Directors. As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the Board is responsible for:
- Providing oversight and direction to the mission, vision, and values of the organization;
- Selecting and evaluating the performance of the CEO;
- Understanding and monitoring the organization’s financial statements and fiscal performance;
- Serving as an active advocate and ambassador for the organization;
- Engaging in identifying and securing the financial resources and partnerships necessary for the National AIDS Memorial to advance its mission;
- Assuring the National AIDS Memorial’s programs and services align with its mission, vision, and values;
- Enhancing the National AIDS Memorial’s public image, profile, and reach;
- Assessing its own performance as the governing body of the National AIDS Memorial; and
- Serving as a thought partner with the CEO.
The National AIDS Memorial has partnered with Koya Partners on this important effort. Read and download the Position Profile here to learn more about this leadership opportunity.