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Chief Executive Officer

  • Company: The Faith & Politics Institute
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Date:
Download Position Profile (PDF)

The Faith & Politics Institute (FPI) cultivates mutual respect, moral reflection, increased understanding, and honest conversation among political leaders to advance productive discourse and constructive collaboration. FPI envisions a United States governed by individuals whose political work is motivated by courage, conscience, and compassion, inspired to work across race, political affiliation, and religion toward a more perfect union.

Since its formation, FPI has inspired hundreds of members of Congress, their families, senior congressional staff during their public service, and from time-to-time including U.S. Presidents and cabinet members, international diplomats in our work. Many of these people have participated regularly in FPI programming and events throughout the year including attending an annual Pilgrimage to Alabama to honor the anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, we are dedicated to doing this work with the Congress because of members’ ties to a broad constituency and their leadership in local, national, and global policy. Our belief is that our commitment to a relatively small but influential group of people who support the mission of FPI will ultimately reach many and help the organization achieve its objective.                                         

FPI is an agent for change. We do more than create space, time, and attention for dialogue: we take strategic steps to promote leadership that will have a positive impact on the tone and effectiveness of Congress, and through the Congress, the nation. Since 1998, our Pilgrimages, led for more than 20 years by the late Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) and Congressman Amo Houghton (R-NY) have sought to give life to the bold vision of our nation’s founders who declared independence over two centuries ago, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It is our profound duty — and honor — to facilitate these opportunities for servant leaders each year.

After the passing in July 2020 of Congressman John Lewis, FPI founded the John Robert Lewis Scholars and Fellows Program and the Corporate Leaders Program not only as a tribute to him for his years of commitment to FPI but also to help create a legacy by supporting his passion for engaging and helping educate and prepare the next generation of leaders. The Scholars and Fellows and the Leaders Programs consist of graduate, undergraduate students and professionals of all ages whose curriculum includes both in person and online teachings by civil rights luminaries who led America’s nonviolent movement for freedom in the South during the 1960’s, current thought leaders, government and elected officials subject matter experts and facilitators who lead dialogue, case study examination and research projects throughout the sessions.

In many ways, the work of FPI has been ahead of its time. FPI have spent over three decades engaging members of Congress, senior congressional staff, and corporate leaders in the importance of reflection and learning. Yet there is still much work to be done.

For more information on The Faith & Politics Institute please visit their website:                                                                                           


The compensation for this position will be a competitive base salary in the range of $275,000 - $305,000 commensurate with lived and professional experience plus benefits including the potential for a bonus.